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Как можно получить гражданство РФ, если был рожден в СССР, но уехал в 10 лет в Австралию и сколько времени это займет?

Hi, I have heard that it is now easier to obtain a Russian federation citizenship and passport for those who were born in the USSSR. I was 10 years old when my parents moved to Australia, in 1993, but now want to find out if it is possible to reinstate my passport and if so, how long will the process take and the associated costs, what documents do i need. With thanks

, Olga,
Максим Мякотин
Максим Мякотин
Юрист, г. Москва

Hello Olga! I use Yandex translator so do not judge strictly.

section 2 of article 14 of the Law on citizenship

Foreign citizens and persons without citizenship residing on the territory of the Russian Federation shall have the right to submit applications for admission to Russian Federation citizenship in a simplified procedure without observing conditions about the residence period specified in paragraph «a» of part one of article 13 of this Federal law, if the specified citizens and persons:

a) were born in territory of RSFSR and had citizenship of the former USSR;

For citizenship of the Russian Federation the following documents:

1. The application for issuance of a temporary residence permit, 2 copies

2. Photo 35x45 mm 4 PCs., (matte), (including children, if they are specified in the statement).

3. A document certifying identity and citizenship and its notary certified translation;

4. The birth certificate of the child and the document proving the identity of a child under 18 years of age and a copy of it — if you get citizenship with your child.

5. The consent of a child aged 14-18 years to move to Russia to live. The signature of the child on the document must be notarized – if you get citizenship with your child.

6. The person filing the application for issuance of a temporary residence permit without quota, in addition to the above documents, are:

7. a person born in territory of RSFSR and consisting in the past in citizenship of the USSR or born in territory of the Russian Federation — a birth certificate translated and notarized;

8. a person married to a Russian citizen, with residence in the Russian Federation — marriage certificate (notarized) and copy of passport of the spouse;

9. Receipt of payment of state duty for issuance of a temporary residence permit (2,000 rubles).

10. Any documents that prove the person to have funds to reside in Russia. As such documents can be employment history(copy), proof of income, income Declaration, noted by tax authorities, proof of employment, proof of benefits or pensions from social protection bodies, documents on the received alimony, inheritance, Bank statement showing Deposit in the Bank and account number (copy of savings books). The amount of income must not be less than 82.000 rubles per year. (this amount changes each quarter, so you need to check with the UFMS).

This document can also be proof of income of the person, whose dependent is the applicant. Disabled applicants must provide documentation confirming their disability (this could be a pension certificate, employment history with notes, etc.).

11. A document confirming your education (the diploma must be translated into Russian language and notary certified);

12. Certificate (rent a copy of a notary certified) on completion of testing on the Russian language. This Certificate is not required if:

1) there is a document on education (at least basic General education) issued in the territory of a foreign state and recognized in Russia, with a notarized translation on Russian language, if this document is a record of the study its owner of course of the Russian language;

2) there is a document of the state sample about education (at least basic General education) issued by an educational institution on the territory of the state, which was part of the USSR before 1 September 1991;

3) the document of the state sample on education issued by an educational institution on the territory of the Russian Federation from 1 September 1991.

In addition, the test is not required for foreign nationals who are citizens of the States in which Russian language — the state, and also in other cases stipulated by the Federal law or international Treaty of the Russian Federation.

Tax fee for testing shall be prepared 5525 ruble.

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