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Please tell me what are my rights and how can i come back in Russia and meet child

hello, i am the citizen of india and i came here on business visa and now illeal here from last 5 years and i had russian wife here but not officially married but now our relation broken , but i have a child from her 1-5 years and i have certificate that i a father with my surname i want to come back here legally and want to give food to my daughter and meet with her but her mother don't allow me to meet and wanted to deport me .Please tell me what are my rights and how can i come back in russia and meet child.

, ANKUSH, г. Санкт-Петербург
Алексей Дроздов
Алексей Дроздов
Адвокат, г. Южно-Сахалинск

you have rights as parent (You are father of child) Do u want visa for live in Russia or u can get visa as tourist

Клиент, г. Санкт-Петербург

i want to live in RUSSIA

Дмитрий Майков
Дмитрий Майков
Юрист, г. Новосибирск

Hello, you should arrive in Russia for this and file a claim in court according to the requirements of the Russian legislation, for a greater probability of winning in court, hire a Russian lawyer.


To do this, you should go through the procedure of obtaining Russian citizenship.

Федор Миндзар
Федор Миндзар
Адвокат, г. Самара

Do you like the baby's father has the right, under the law. According to:

«Family Code of the Russian Federation» dated 29.12.1995 N 223-FZ (ed. By 30.12.2015)
SC Code, Article 66. Implementation of the parental rights of the parent living apart from the child
1. The parent living separately from the child has the right to communicate with a child Do you like the baby's father has the right, under the law. According to: in his upbringing and addressing the child's education.
The parent with whom the child lives must not hinder the child's communication with the other parent, if such communication does not harm the physical and mental health of the child, his moral development.
2. Parents have the right to conclude a written agreement on the exercise of parental rights of the parent living apart from the child.
If the parents can not reach an agreement, the dispute is settled by the court with the participation of the guardianship authority at the request of the parents (one of them). At the request of the parents (one of them) in the manner prescribed by the civil procedural legislation, the court with mandatory participation of the guardianship authority has the right to determine the order of implementation of parental rights for the period until the entry into force of the judgment.
(In the red. Federal Law dated 04.05.2011 N 98-FZ)
3. If non-compliance with the court's decision to the guilty parent of the measures provided by the legislation on administrative offenses and the law on enforcement proceedings. When malicious non-compliance with the court's decision court on the request of a parent living separately from the child, may decide to transfer him to the child based on the child's best interests and taking into account the views of the child.
(In the red. Federal Law of 30.12.2015 N 457-F
4. The parent living separately from the child has the right to receive information about their child from educational institutions, healthcare organizations, social service organizations and similar organizations. The provision of information may be refused only if there is a threat to life and health of the child from the parent. Refusal to provide information may be challenged in court.

Entry into the Russian Federation is possible with a visa. According to the Federal Law On the Procedure for Exit from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation… Article 24. Foreign citizens can enter the Russian Federation and leave the Russian Federation with a visa with valid documents certifying their identity and recognized by the Russian Federation as such, unless otherwise It stipulated by the present Federal law, international treaties of the Russian Federation or decrees of the President of Russian Federation.

Азизбек Юсупов
Азизбек Юсупов
Юрист, г. Москва

Hi Ankush.

You need to leave the country. Privyezde you will have to pay a fine for illegal stay at the Russian. Then you turn in India in the Russian Federation consulate. The documents you need to attach the child's birth certificate as proof of the existence of a valid reason. In Russia, you have to pass exams in Russian language, to get the status of the Russian language media and to apply for citizenship.

or find a wife in Russia and get citizenship

Татьяна Зырянова
Татьяна Зырянова
Юрист, г. Красноярск

Hello! In accordance with p. 2 Article 66 Family code If parents don't agree how to communicate with child, dispute is solved by court.
So, you can to sue civil complaint about procedure of communicated with child. Civil complaint is filed at the court the place of residence mother of child (on russian language)
Concerning your return in Russia — are you had deported from Russia? If you not deported from Russia, you can visit country

i want to live in RUSSIA

You can obtain a temporary residence permit.

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