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Объясним пошагово, что делать в вашей ситуации. Разработаем документы и ответим на любой вопрос, даже самый маленький.

Все это — онлайн, с заботой о вас и по отличным ценам.

Как проверить информацию о возможном наследстве за границей?

Два дня назад мне на почту написал некий иностранный я так понимаю адвокат, пишет на английском. Не мошенник ли это?

Вот его письмо:


Dear samusik

I am advocate Frederic Didier, I am Making an offer to you in relation to the death of late Eng. samusik ,who was my client before his death, leaving some huge amount of money ($ 7.550,000,00 U.S.) in the bank. After unsuccessful attempts to find a relationship there, I decided to contact you since you have the same surname.

For more information, please contact us through our official email address in order to improve communication and details on the above subject(...) Thank you for your quick response.

Your Faithfully,

Barrister frederic Didier.


Я отправил ему письмо:

Hello, my name is Egor Samusik I live in Belarus, you are serious or a joke?


Его письмо:

Dear Egor,

Thanks for your response.

I contacted you in this matter base on the fact that you bear the same

surname with my late client and of the same nationality since I had

sought for the relatives without success and instead of this fund

being confiscated by the Finance Firm as I did mentioned in my

proposal or being claimed by some unscrupulous person.

Note that all I want from you is to act as next of kin and beneficiary of the

unclaimed fund of my deceased client.

The next of kinship as stated by the inheritance law, is not limited

to relations of the deceased nor is it confided to the circuit of

parental relationship, rather it is by choice of the benefactor as

regards to whom he wish to will it to (beneficiary) either formally by

write up ,or informally by secret information disclosure to

beneficiary, be him/ her business partner, relation, kinsmen, friend

or well wisher, therefore by virtue of the above stated,I seek consent

to present you as the next of kin to my late client since the supposed

next of kin also died along with him.

I have done everything possible to trace relatives of my late client

without success, most of his properties were destroyed by vandals here

and some more rose by weeds, there is nobody to take care of them.

That was before the finance company to deposit said, invited me into

his office and instructed me as his lawyer here in order to find and

present them to his next of kin for the release of its outstanding

stock with them, the total amount (US$7.550 Million) only. It is here

that I decided to contact you, as with the same name, to help me in

putting claims to the fund for the release and transfer.

If the fund is not claimed, it will be re-deposited in the treasury of

the finance company as unclaimed bill, which would be shared between

the Board of Directors in connection with a high level of corruption

here and that will go down in history. There is nothing to worry

about, because all the legal documentation, it is my duty to provide

the next of kin, and who I am approve as next of kin will beneficiary

and receive the fund. The most important consideration now is the

trust and confidence in this matter, therefore, I ask that this should

be our motto through this deal, and I can assure you, completely on my

side, that as long as I work it with you, I will always remain the


Meanwhile, you have to furnish me with your full details such as

1.Your full names:

a) First Name.......................... ..

b) Last Name.......................

2.Your date of birth.........................

3.Your full contact address...................

4.Your private telephone numbers.......................

5.Marital status.......................

6.Occupation.................. ........

7.Country of Origin.....................

I will proceed in submitting the same to the finance firm in presenting you

as the sole next of kin to my late client for the subsequent release

of the deposit to you in line with their routine process.

In pursuance of our collective objective, I will not fail to remind

you that your maximum co-operation and sense of belonging are required

as well to enhance a positive impact towards the conclusive end of

this matter.

You can call me as soon as possible for further directives and guideline.

Very truly yours,

Frederic Didier Esq

Tel:00228 91681157.


Моё письмо:

You send me photos of documents?


Его письмо:

Dear Egor Samusik,

As requested,view attachment.

I am not in any way trying to force you to go against your decision

and stand but I only want to clear my conscience over issue in

reconfirmation that my transaction is legal and I am a lawyer and I

stand on oath to the ethics of my profession to state

once again this is real and legal and I guarantee you that at the end

of the day, you will prove me right.

Waiting for your kind reply

Frederic Didier Esq

Tel:00228 91681157.

Показать полностью
, Егор, г. Москва
Андрей Емельяненко
Андрей Емельяненко
Юрист, г. Белгород

Здравствуйте, Егор!

Скорее всего — мошенники. Особенно, если у Вас нет родственников за границей. Совпадение фамилий — не является основанием для признания человека наследником.

Не сообщайте мошенникам своих персональных данных и не звоните им.

Клиент, г. Москва

да, вы правы, он буквально 10 минут назад скинул по моей просьбе документы подтверждающие родство, я их проверил, оказалось они поддельные

Галина Гудкова
Галина Гудкова
Адвокат, г. Москва

Такими письмами весь интернет наводнен.

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