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Все это — онлайн, с заботой о вас и по отличным ценам.

Started: (Jul 19 2021 @ 08: 03 Etc/GMT)

вот ссылка Transaction invoice: TC34892

Started: (Jul 19 2021 @ 08:03 Etc/GMT)

Last update: (Jul 21 2021 @ 11:48 Etc/GMT)

Уточнение от клиента
да, именно в этот день деньги перевели на транзитный счёт SWIFT transfers
Status Transfer amount Transfer currency Country of transfer receipt Beneficiary bank SWIFT code Beneficiary account
Lock payment 14161.4824 Euro Lithuania LT-86135 LT457180200454724795
Awaiting Conversion 16823.1752 Euro Lithuania LT -86135 LT457180200454724795
жду этого момента, когда будет написано, операция закончена

Idg cyprus
спасибо за письмо, отправляю вам все документы которые у меня есть на подтверждение, что я играла на бирже с компанией ( ингоинвест )и они меня обманули, слили деньги себе и ещё продолжали играть под моим именем деньги были переведены в биткоины
ср, 28 июл. 2021 г. в 19:19, tatjana braziene <tatjanabraziene@gmail.com>:
я вам перевела деньги 23 числа за то что бы вы сделали перевод на мой счёт, но увы счёт заморожен ,. а почему? на проверку отправила все документы и всё прошло вы подтвердили что были нарушения со стороны (ингоинвест) всё сделала как просили поменяла евры на биткойн и что? ady to send this amount to you as the rightful ow
Dear Mrs. Braziene,It was also found that the entrance to the personal account and the trading termin

We inform you that we have completed the investigation of your request for attachment 27163212.

After a full check of the history of your trading account registered in the «Ingoinvest», a number of violations of the clauses of the public offer agreement were revealed, namely clauses 1.3, 1.2.1, 3.4, 3.6 and other clauses of the electronic agreement.
We also found more serious violations by brokerage companies and the legislation of our state on financial institutions.

After a full check of the history of transactions on your trading account, we found discrepancies between the quotes at the time of opening your trades with the quotes of real liquidity providers. Also, after checking the history of deposits and withdrawals of your funds, we found an automatic blocking of withdrawals. al was carried out from several IP addresses of other countries.

In connection with these violations, we make a decision in your favor. Taking into account the full amount on your trading terminal and all compensation payments, we have frozen 0.52 BTC on the broker's accounts and are re

This amount can be transferred to any bank account licensed by the Electronic Money Institution (EMI) and also associated with Bitcoin, please note that this account can be personal or transit.

We must also inform you that the amount of 0.52 BTC has been frozen for 10 business days, we ask you to provide this account in a response letter no later than the above deadlines.

Thank you for your cooperation (это ваше ) я могу все документы отправить которые вы мне выслали.

Idg cyprus <support@idgcyprus.com>
ср, 21 июл., 19:11 (7 дней назад)

кому: мне

The payment of 0.014 BTC was received in full.
The transit account will be issued to you within the next 10 working hours, as soon as we complete the full package of documents, we will notify you to your email address.
We ask you not to carry out one-time financial transactions over 0.3 BTC, as there is a huge bitcoin value and overdraft payments are possible due to exchange rate differences… чего еще не хватает? что бы нажать последнюю кнопку .UUID
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Summary Balance (USD)
≈ 19889.636
Summary Balance (EUR)
≈ 16823.1752
Summary Balance (BTC)
≈ 0.52
You don't have a card
Transit Account

SWIFT transfers
Status Transfer amount Transfer currency Country of transfer receipt Beneficiary bank SWIFT code Beneficiary account
Lock payment 14161.4824 Euro Lithuania LT-86135 LT457180200454724795
Awaiting Conversion 16823.1752 Euro Lithuania LT -86135 LT457180200454724795
жду этого момента, когда будет написано, операция закончена
Thank you for contacting our IDG Cyprus bank!
Our bank has reviewed your application for opening a cryptocurrency account, and we are glad to inform you that you have passed the AML and KYC verification system and at the moment our bank can provide you with this service for opening such an account.

The Bank provides the following services when opening a crypto account:
A personal online banking manager who will be your personal assistant in any matter of account management, around the clock;
A registered crypto-transit account;
The possibility of using a transit account for 21 working days;
Free conversion service from BTC to any other fiat currency;
A personal account where you can perform all your conversion and transfer operations;
Automatic closing of the account after the expiration of time;
The possibility to get a physical card from our bank; (additional information on obtaining a card will be available in your personal account).The cost of opening an account for this period will be 0.014 BTC.

sword e transit account will be issued to you within the next 10 working hours, as soon as we complete the full package of documents, we will notify you to your email address.
We ask you not to carry out one-time financial transactions over 0.3 BTC, as there is a huge bitcoin value and overdraft payments are possible duOur bank exclusively works with cryptocurrency, we ask you to make a payment in the same way in cryptocurrency, through verified exchange offices or a crypto exchange, after payment, please send a payment receipt to our email.
The conversion will be made at the exchange Rate at the time of receipt of funds.
After payment and submission of the receipt to our bank, you will be opened and granted access to your personal account, as well as a login and pasto log in.
кому: мне

The payment of 0.014 BTC was received in full.
The to exchange rate differences… чего еще не хватает? что бы нажать последнюю кнопку .UUID
Thank you for contacting us, we hope for further cooperation! потом счёт заморозили
Idg cyprus
ср, 28 июл., 19:17 (6 дней назад)

кому: мне

— Forwarded message — From: Central Bank of Cyprus <info@centralbank.cy>
Date: 28 July 2021 16:37
Topic: Lock payment
To: support@idgcyprus.com

Dear IDG Cyprus,
We, the Central Bank of Cyprus, inform you that the payment of the client of your bank Tatjana Braziene in the amount of EUR 16823,1752 has been suspended by the Cyprus state for further verification of the legality of this payment through our state. We ask the client Tatjana Braziene of the client and your bank to provide us with a complete package of documentation that can confirm the participation of this client of your bank in these funds, otherwise we, as a controlling organization for making international payments, will be forced to refuse the client of Tatjana Braziene to make this payment through our state. The payment in the amount of EUR 16823,1752 will be returned to the bank's balance within the next 12 hours IDG Cyprus
я написала почему. а они ответили по телефону что не хватает документа с моего банка что я у них купила биткоины.но наш банк ими не торгуют, да и мне они небыли нужны так как я играла веб террменал, а там нужны доллоры и тогда пришло письмо
Idg cyprus
пн, 2 авг., 16:25

Dear Customer, Tatjana Braziene.

We inform you that according to the documents you provided earlier, which can confirm your involvement in this payment, the Cyprus National Bank refused to process this payment.
We can offer you a temporary personal account for a period of 5 working days to form a complete package of documents for making a financial payment in the amount of 0.52 BTC.
This service in our bank will cost a fixed commission of 0.1 BTC
The procedure is as follows:
1. You make a payment to your personal transit account in the amount of 0.1 BTC;
2. We provide you with a temporary personal account service and transfer funds from a transit account to a personal one;
3. In 5 working days we form a complete package of documents that the amount of 0.52 BTC belongs to you;
4. We make a payment in the international SWIFT mode with a full package of documents.
0.00146680 BTC где на 4000 евро, они всё сделают и деньги через 3 дня будут на моём счету
, tatjana braziene, Шяуляй
Константин Туманин
Константин Туманин
Юрист, г. Москва


Вопрос заниательный и наверное, его можно рассматривать как сложный. И соответственно с денежным вознаграждением.

Опишите детально, чо Вы постили и что обновляли. Я обязательно возьмусь за такое «интересное» дело.

Started: (Jul 19 2021 @ 08: 03 Etc/GMT)

вот ссылка Transaction invoice: TC34892

Started: (Jul 19 2021 @ 08:03 Etc/GMT)

Last update: (Jul 21 2021 @ 11:48 Etc/GMT)

С уважением, юрист, Константин.

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Дата обновления страницы 28.08.2021